History Of Online Slots That Not Many Know
Though the physical slot machines existed ever since 1891 with playing cards held to mechanical reels with a lever protruding on a side for triggering the spin, online slots came into existence only in 1996. From 18 slots to more than 2000 slots that existed now, the journey of online slots is a long and interesting growth to know. Evolution too was a gradual step-by-step process from mechanical to electromechanical slots in 1964 followed by the fortune coin display slot in 1975. This took over by the 1996 Reel’em In by WMS industries breaking the conventions of slots with alternate bonus round totally different from the base slots.
The Advent of Online Slots
The video casinos were made possible during the 70s with the use of semiconductor chips that were used to run the slots or any casino game for that matter. The first step for slots game into the Internet happened the same year the conventional slots symbols and gameplay was swapped for a more interesting one. By 1996 with the popularity and wide reach of the Internet in the western countries, the first online slot came into existence to be played from anywhere.
The oldest slot machine online though was nothing more than imitations of their physical part initially. However, with time, designers recognized the absence of limitations with an online casino and started introducing many new strategies in gameplay, which improved and eventually got higher time. The online slots history that we knew is not actually everything. The industry also had an evolution on the back end of online slots due to the vulnerability and hacks, which happened with first few attempts of online slots. Now, we have over 100 slot manufacturers engaging gamblers with their online slot games, which accounts for about half of all the casino games played on the Internet.
What is Next With Slots?
With such a drastic growth over the last two decades, it is more interesting to look into the future of slot games. Sure, the number of slots would grow over time with companies coming out with newer games every now and then. However, what matters is the introduction of newer elements like bonus rounds and scatter elements as we saw in the slot’s history. With time, we might see newer strategies that developers use to hold the attention of the players. From the backend, usage of blockchain instead of unified server adds to more security and reliability across all online casino platforms.